The technique behind the world of indexes and databases

Jan. 16, 2021
The webinar discussed two major indices developed by the WageIndicator Foundation: the Minimum Wages Database (196 countries) and the Labour Rights Index (115 countries). The Labour Rights Index looks at every aspect of the working lifespan of a worker and identifies the presence of labour rights, or the lack of it, in national legal systems worldwide. It covers 10 indicators and 46 evaluation criteria. The Minimum Wages Database is the most updated and comprehensive database on statutory minimum wages worldwide. The webinar brought together Index makers and users, especially those who are building similar indices on labour market issues. The panelists and speakers come not only from multilateral organisations like ILO, World Bank but also academia like University of Amsterdam and Leiden University and Trade Union bodies like ITUC and Worker Rights Consortium. The seminar was equally useful for policy makers who wish to know best practices in labour legislation and minimum wage setting.